Parent FAQ's

Information for Parents

We're so happy you have chosen to research our squadron, and we promise your child won't be disappointed!

Here's a few FAQ's from new parents to get you started but please feel free to come see us with any questions you have.

How much does it cost?

Membership at our squadron costs just £15 per month, that's around £1.90 per parade night.

You'll need to pay by standing order, but if you think you'd struggle to fund this please come and speak to us, we might be able to help.

All uniform, except Shoes and Boots, is provided free of charge on a loan basis. We encourage cadets to be self sufficient when it comes to maintaining their kit, so there shouldn't be too much additional work for you. That said, as the parent you are responsible for ensuring they look after it and return it if they decide to leave. We spend around £200 per cadet on uniform so please stress how important it is that they look after it. We do have a limited supply of 2nd hand shoes and boots in our stores so don't be shy of asking if we can provide some.

Most activities, such as Flying, Gliding, Shooting, Road Marching etc. are provided free of charge. All we ask is that if selected, the cadet attends on time for the transport from Squadron. We have a 15 seater minibus so we provide travel to most events free of charge too.

Some activities such as water sports, weekend and week long camps and Duke of Edinburgh have a small additional fee attached, but your cadet will be able to see the cost prior to bidding for a place on it. Again, if you're in need please do come and speak to us as we may be able to help!

We're mega lucky to have our minibus, and whilst we don't ask for financial contributions for it's upkeep, we do ask cadets attend our fundraising events to help us fund essential maintenance.

How often do you meet?

We hold 2 'parade' nights per week:

Tuesdays and Fridays between 19:00 and 21:30.

On top of those, we have optional events and activities taking place throughout the year. They're all advertised on our Cadet Portal for cadets to 'bid' to attend. There are events most weekends but it's not essential, nor advised to try to do them all!

What do you need from Parents?

All we ask is that parents drop off their cadets at squadron around 15 minutes before parade nights or an event start time.

Oh... and collect them again at the end of the night / event.

Your child should quickly get to grips with ironing their own uniform and polishing their shoes so you shouldn't need to assist much and may even see them helping with other clothes!

We run a Parent's 'WhatsApp' group to keep you informed of the monthly training plans and upcoming events. Events and activities away from Parade nights are advertised to our cadets on Cadet Portal. Please encourage your child to check it often and 'bid' for places. Some children need that extra push to put themselves out there and bid for something outside of their comfort zone. We will do our best but parental support is appreciated.

Fancy signing on as an Adult Volunteer?

We rely on Adult Volunteers to run our Squadron, and we're always on the look out for new staff!

Contact Us

Don't be shy! Come visit us on a Squadron night to see what we offer, new cadets can stay with us for the evening (if they wish) prior to signing up.

If you'd prefer to let us know you are coming, click below to contact our staff who will make contact with you as soon as possible (we're staffed by volunteers so please allow for work commitments).